Agricultural Insurance

At Paforons, we understand the challenges, and risks that go along with protecting your crops and assets. We know that heavy rain, hail and drought can have a catastrophic impact on your bottom line which is why we want to help you create a sustainable business.



Comprehensive cover - Paforons Agriculture not only protects your crops and assets, but also protects you from exposure to liabilities on your farms as a result of damage to your properties, spread of fire, dam wall damage, death or injuries, product liability and much more.
Specialist solutions - Ranging from pivot irrigation systems to Poultry/livestock, our specialist products have been designed to suit your needs.


Value-added benefits - Paforons Agriculture offers you added benefits when insuring your assets, such as access to emergency medical assistance and funeral cover for yourself and your farm workers. Paforons clients who belong to registered and approved Fire Protection Associations (FPA) also benefit from reduced premiums.

The benefits of insuring with Us

Paforons is the insurer of choice for millions of South Africans countrywide. We help keep you safe by delivering insurance good and proper.

Fire safety for farmers

Few things are more devastating to a farmer’s livelihood than a runaway fire. To mitigate these risks, Paforons Agriculture has partnered with South African farmers to create awareness of the National Veld and Forest Fire Act to further encourage proactive fire risk management.


Fight fires with the right insurance protection

It is widely understood that, effective wildfire management is impeded by a lack of integration between research results, technological development and efforts by fire managers to, protect the environment and humans against wildfires.

The costs, in terms of both money and time, of implementing wildfire-threat-reduction practices are considered by some to outweigh the benefits of reduced fire threat.

In some cases it is a question of priorities.  We have to create an awareness of the importance of creating a more fire –safe environment.

A lack of knowledge about ways to carry out wildfire-threat-reduction practices prevents some property owners from creating defensible space. Some homeowners are uncertain about which wildfire-threat-reduction practices are most worthwhile and how to implement them.


We cover the following:

Paforons understands this risk which is why we have included fire extinguishing charges as part of our Agri policy offering.

Currently, we have an extension under the fire section which gives cover for fire extinguishing charges when the insured’s own property is threatened by fire. But what if the insured property is not under that big a threat, but such fire could result in huge damages to neighbouring farms?

Under the Public Liability section of our Agri policy, clients are covered for damages they become legally liable for if a fire starts on their property and then spreads to neighbouring farms causing damage.

In an effort to minimise such damage, the farmer may incur great expenses to extinguish the fire/s.

The new fire extinguishing charges clause under the Public Liability section of our Agri policy will indemnify the policyholder for all reasonable fire extinguishing costs and expenses which the policyholder becomes legally liable to pay as a result of the extinguishing or fighting of fire (including water-bombing by air) to prevent the spreading of such fire beyond the borders of their own premises.